The first drop is here!

The first drop is here!

For the first time ever: the first drop of Formula Student Team Delft merch is finally live! The idea originated December 2021, by operations members in the DUT22 team: Prashant and Maurits. During the year they quickly realised that the execution of their idea would not be possible in the timeframe they had imagined. After a few testprints the idea was put on hold to try again at a later time. Sadly, that time never came in the DUT22 year.

After a stressful year they still couldn't stay away and joined for another year with the DUT23 team. This time the operations team consisted of 14 people instead of the 4 that they had last year. With this bigger team and the experience from the previous year merch was now a viable and feasible option.

And here we are, almost a year later with the first results of that idea, the DUT22 collection of FSTD merch!

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